We are getting lippy for Gynae cancers

We are getting lippy for Gynae cancers

More than 21,000 women in the UK are diagnosed with gynaecological cancer every year, that’s 58 diagnoses each day

We were shocked when we got talking with The Eve Appeal and they informed us that more than 21,000 women in the UK are diagnosed with gynaecological cancer every year, that’s 58 diagnoses each day! What’s more we were not aware there are 5 types of gynae cancers.

illustration of a womb showing the 5 types of gynae cancers

The Eve Appeal is the only UK national charity raising awareness and funding research into the prevention and early diagnosis of these 5 cancers –womb, ovarian, cervical, vulval and vaginal. It was set up to save lives by funding ground-breaking research focused on developing effective methods of risk prediction, earlier detection and developing screening for these cancers. If you would like to find out more about the 5 gynae cancers, the eve appeal have some excellent resources available here

Here at FFS we are super proud to be supporting The Eve Appeal as part of their ‘Get Lippy’ campaign, throughout the month of May 10% of all first box sign ups will be donated to helping the charity, we will also be helping to raise awareness and tackle the taboos of talking openly about the topic across our social channels, make sure you are following @_weareffs to hear about how you can get involved.

“As a female first brand, we feel its important to use our reach to help support women in our communities. By backing campaigns such as Get Lippy we can really offer some potential life changing advice and knowledge sources to our customers, colleagues and more, if that helps just 1 person then it’s been worth it! We love what the eve appeal are doing to break down taboos and are proud to be part of such an amazing and positive campaign.”

Liz Needham, Managing Director

FFS strive to help women feel good about themselves and their bodies. For too long, gynaecological health has been seen as a taboo subject, at best something to keep private, at worst, something rude. We want to lift the veil of shame surrounding gynae health and to do that we need to know our bodies, feel comfortable talking about them, and open up conversations so that everyone knows the difference between a vagina and a vulva, so that everyone knows there are five gynaecological cancers, and so that everyone knows their normal, can spot when something feels abnormal for them, and feels comfortable talking about it. Only then will everyone be able to access the healthcare they need, when they need it.

illustration showing the anatomy of a womans reproductive system

Here is how you can help:

  1. Spread the word with your loved ones by asking them to sign up to FFS in support of ‘Get Lippy’ we are making a 10% donation on every first box sign up.
  2. Start a conversation on your social media or good old fashioned face to face with your friends and family, to break down taboos we need all of society to join the conversation, no longer can gynae health be seen as just ‘women’s problems’.
  3. Join us on the 13th May to post a mirror selfie with lipstick message tagging @_weareffs @eveappeal #GetLippy
  4. Sign up to the get lippy run this May

We need everyone to Get Lippy and we need YOU to start those conversations. Opening up a conversation with your nearest and dearest could save a life.

So if you love someone, Get Lippy