Your Embarrassing Shaving Questions, Answered

Your Embarrassing Shaving Questions, Answered

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Whether you shave daily, weekly or just when you fancy it, knowing what’s what when it comes to hair removal is important. However, as is often the case with personal hygiene, some of the questions can be a bit too cringe-inducing to ask your friends or family.

This is where we come in. From how best to tackle your bikini line to whether shaving makes you sweat less, we’ve got all your embarrassing questions answered below.

Can shaving irritate your bikini area?

Most women who have shaved their bikini line in the past know that the answer to this one is unfortunately yes. Razor burn is a common side effect of shaving this sensitive area, which can be annoying, itchy and even painful.

However, shaving shouldn’t always cause irritation. The most common cause of razor burn is a dull razor and poor shaving products. Change your razor blade regularly to reduce irritation, and always use gentle shaving cream and post-shave balm to keep your skin happy. Pick a razor subscription (like ours!) to make sure you have sharp blades on hand when you need them.

Embarrassing Shaving Q&A

1. What shaving cream is best for pubic hair?

The hair on your pubic area tends to be thicker than elsewhere on your body. That means you’re more likely to experience razor burn and irritation around this area when you shave. To combat this, we always recommend using a hydrating shaving cream with gentle ingredients.

Our Shave Cream features exclusive cationic technology and soothing ingredients to encourage an extra-close shave. These all help to avoid ingrown hairs, irritation and razor burn.

2. Will shaving increase hair growth?

Nope - despite it being a popular shaving myth, shaving won’t make your hair grow faster, thicker or darker. It might seem like your hair is thicker or darker when it’s growing back, but this is because your hair has a blunt tip after shaving. That’s what makes it feel coarse or stubbly during the regrowth stage.

3. Can shaving cause thrush?

Shaving itself can’t cause thrush, but shaving improperly or too often might make you more vulnerable to infections or irritations. This is because shaving can cause tiny cuts, which could become inflamed.

We recommend following good shaving hygiene, as well as avoiding tight clothing or underwear made from synthetic materials. Pubic hair would usually act as a barrier between skin and underwear, so if you’re removing this you might have to take some extra steps to keep things fresh.

4. Can shaving get rid of crabs?

No, shaving can’t get rid of crabs (also known as pubic lice). Although these small insects cling to body hair, shaving won’t get rid of them. It’s best to visit your doctor or sexual health clinic for treatment and advice on what to do next.

Some evidence suggests that shaving might get rid of public lice eggs. However, it’s always best to talk to a professional.

5. Can shaving cause warts?

Warts are spread by skin-to-skin contact, so shaving alone won’t produce them. However, shaving over warts could cause them to spread. It’s best to avoid shaving if you have warts in a particular area, as you might spread them to other areas of your body. Again, consult with your doctor for more information.

6. Will shaving your armpits reduce sweat?

Shaving your armpits won’t reduce the amount you sweat - that’s caused by glands in your body. However, you might notice the effects of sweat less when you shave your armpits. This could be because the deodorant you use can get into the skin more easily, or because your sweat won’t linger in the hair (which can also be a contributing factor to body odour, if pongy pits were another worry).

7. Can shaving darken skin?

Your skin colour is determined by a pigment called melanin. You can’t change this pigment by shaving, but you might notice some discolouration if you shave with dull razors or shave very aggressively. This can damage your skin, which might result in dark patches or discolouration.

8. Can you shave with eczema?

You can shave when you have eczema, but it’s important to be gentle. Avoid using chemical-laden products, dull blades and very hot water, which could all irritate your skin further. Instead, pick products that feature natural ingredients and be sure to always use new blades. Don’t forget to moisturise after shaving to help soothe your skin. Our Post-Shave Balm is great for hydrating and also has lots of natural ingredients.

If you have open wounds or areas of extreme irritation, we recommend avoiding that are until it’s fully healed.